Friday, June 17, 2011

Week 22 Instant communication

Instant communication is the reactive result of demand from our Y and younger generation, but has found a place in the hearts of many including the Grey Nomads.
IM (aka Instant Messaging), Skype and Twitter certainly have many benefits. When IM was originally just typing I wondered about the lack of human expression and infliction that the written word in this environment would deliver – allowing for miscommunication, etc, but with the advent of video and audio option hopefully the human essence of interaction can be preserved.

I must admit to being a Skype fan. With family overseas and many of our younger patrons at the library utilising Skype it seems to be a sagacious and cost effective method to communicate with people across the globe.

Instant messaging in the library could be a priceless tool to advise of activities, discussions and to generate feedback on what the public need.

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