Saturday, October 4, 2008

Week: 10 Mashups

Gosh what can you say about mashups – except they are maximum fun!

Mashups could be used at the Manilla Library in a number of instances from simple certificates of participation or appreciation to promotional and marketing campaigns.

Everyone is time poor and financially limited, so libraries as every other business are competing for patronage. The more information we can share and the possibilities we offer, make libraries the best choice.

The mashup I have included is a photo of our cat Tiggah. Now this strapping ginger boy arrived at our house about 12 months ago and despite desperately trying to find his family – it was to no avail. My 14yo took this photo – I had put half the wash in the machine and went to get the remainder but this very large kitty decided it was the perfect hiding spot. This photo is a classic and featured in the first movie my 14yo made and uploaded to You Tube, so perhaps Tiggah is famous – he certainly is a funny puss.

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