Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Week 16: Learning 2.1 - Evaluation

Google Alerts: what a brilliant way of finding out what people are doing, saying and thinking about a specific topic. I was able to set up alerts on horse training, Manilla Library and Learning 2.1 … all delivered directly to me !

Burnfeeder: Entering the feed source for Manilla Mayhem was very easy again. It has been surprising how exciting and easy all this training has been. I already had an RSS feed set up, so it’s been so simple to organize
I have also been able to redirect my blog (Manilla Mayhem) to my Feedburner feed; publish a chicklet to display my Feedburner feed (widget) and offer blog updates via email.
Got to love technology !!!!
Survey Monkey was easy to create but there was a little confusion on just how it would be linked to the blog. Crisis averted and it looks great. Test drove the link and the survey presented itself !!! Yipee.

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